Course Information

IBM BPM Course Duration: 30 Hours

IBM BPM Training Timings: Week days 1-2 Hours per day (or) Weekends: 2-3 Hours per day

IBM BPM Training Method: Online/Classroom Training

IBM BPM Study Material: Soft Copy

Course Content

Introduction to IBM BPM Version 8.5

  • Business process management and service-oriented architecture
  • BPMN 2.0 Concepts and Examples
  • IBM BPM History and Versions

Overview of IBM Lombardi/IBM BPM

  • Introduction of Blue Work Live
  • Explaining IBM Process Center Architecture
  • Introduction of Process Stake Holders and their Responsibilities
  • Introduction of IBM BPM Product Components
  • IBM BPM Key Terms and Concepts

Creating IBM BPM Project

  • How to add the User groups and Users and how to grant access Hands on session
  • Explain the Process Package / Tool Kit Package
  • Managing Snapshots and Workspaces

Designing BPD

  • Create a New Process App
  • Creating a BPD and Configuration Setting
  • Adding Lanes to the BPD
  • Assigning Participants
  • Adding activities
  • Establishing process flow lanes

Building Coaches and Services and Nested Services

  • Building Human Services
  • Building Integration Service
  • Building general System Services
  • Implement a service that calls a Java class
  • Implement a service that calls an external Web service

Building an Executable BPDs and Services

  • Using Gateways
  • Implementing Activities
  • Adding Process Variables to BPD
  • Adding events to BPD
  • Setting Environment Variables
  • Validating Processes

Modelling Events

  • Message Events
  • Intermediate Events
  • Timer Events
  • Adhoc Events

Message Events

  • Define Start and Intermediate message events
  • Define the use of a UCA
  • Define the use of a handler service
  • Create a handler service
  • Configure a UCA, Define the relationship between message events and UCAs
  • Start a BPD using a Start message event
  • Use exposed process variables in the decision and modify the values at runtime
  • Intermediate timer
  • List and describe intermediate event types used in Process Designer
  • Model a business process escalation path using an attached intermediate timer event
  • List and describe the functional properties within an intermediate timer event

Mapping and Managing Variables

  • Variable Declaration and Mappings
  • Custom Variables
  • EPV’S
  • Explain Pre and Post assignments
  • Initializing Complex variable using java script
  • Making Variables available to process portal search

Coaches and Coach Views

  • Consume integration data to enable a drop-down menu on a Coach
  • Rapidly create dependent visibility controls
  • Use browser events to drive Coach functionality
  • Implement Ajax controls on a Coach
  • User security & User based access(eg: Configure visibility options to customize Coach appearance based on user role or other conditions)
  • Upload a file to the library & Use a managed file as part of a human or generic system service
  • Identify candidates for hardening & Create patterns for dealing with system errors
  • Rule Engine

Exceptions and Loops

  • Exception handling and loops
  • Create Simple loop in BPD
  • Create multi instance loops

Advance Concepts in IBM BPM

  • Using Embedded java script
  • Using external activities
  • Playback scenarios


  • Introduction to Web API
  • Topics- Performance Data Handling
  • Performance Data handling
  • Scoreboards
  • Reports

Administration Advance Concepts

  • Admin Process console
  • Performance Admin console


Customize IBM BPM Course Content as per Individual’s project requirement.

Our Individual IBM BPM Training program will help employees to start working on the project from day one after the IBM BPM training completion.

Industry Specific Subject Matter Experts to provide corporate level IBM BPM online training to individuals.

Flexibility to choose schedule to individual’s to take IBM BPM online training courses.

Get Flexibility to learn at your own pace. Crash course option is also available for IBM BPM course.

Flexibility to select trainer and have live video session with trainer before IBM BPM training actually start.

MaxMunus will provide IBM BPM Course Completion Certificate to the participants which are recognized by the industry. It will add value to the corporate workforce.

MaxMunus will help the participants in understand the IBM BPM certification training exam process.

MaxMunus will provide step-by-step progress assessment of yours.


Customization of IBM BPM Course Content as per Companies project requirement.

Our IBM BPM Corporate Training program will help employees to start working on the project from day one after the training completion.

Industry Specific Subject Matter Experts will provide IBM BPM corporate training.

Get Flexibility to choose Location, Mode and Schedule for IBM BPM corporate training courses.

Flexibility to select corporate trainer and have live video session with trainer before IBM BPM training actually start.

MaxMunus will provide Course Completion Certificate to the participants which are recognized by the industry. It will add value to the corporate workforce.

MaxMunus will help the participants in understand the IBM BPM certification course exam process.

MaxMunus will provide step-by-step progress assessment of employees.


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